31 October 2010

Featured sellers 10/30/10

(I realize it's the 31st now, but I took a nap that lasted longer than it's intended one hour.)

First up is HiGirls. There you can find handbags, jewelry and more.

Next comes is bellamantra.  She makes beautiful jewelry with an antique look.

Third on the list is celiacurrin.  Here you can find original artwork and cards.

You can find more stunning jewelry from LindenTreeDesigns.

Last, but not least is the watercolour art of Scully107.


  1. I would love any help you can give. I've had 11 sales and lots of views.


  2. Thank you so much for featuring me!!

    And there's some lovely shops here to add to my faves - just in time for Christmas, woohoo!
